STUX Center for Stupid Experiments
At JUXTAPOSE 20. -22. aug. 2021 Godsbanen Aarhus, Denmark
QWERTY will show the scientific research center, STUX. The QWERTY members / scientists, publicize their research, at the scientific conference.
Based on QWERTY’s previous performative studies of various institutions and business models, the group will with the project, STUX, relate artistically to research and the scientific world.
The method for both the scientist and the artist is repetition and the wild original ideas. We want to take a large leap forward and make research that is almost stupid, and maybe the genius lies there?
All 7 QWERTY members show each their scientific/artistic project.
In these times of COVID-19, scientists have become the superheroes of our time, we artists also want to try that.
In QWERTY, art is made in the meeting with the audience, therefore the QWERTY research team will be ready to invite the audience inside, for a tour of STUX’s research universe.
The QWERTY researchers profess the concept of TRASH SCIENCE and lean on several prominent researchers in areas such as DADA, SILLYSOFI and PARALLELISM.